Because I have 4 girls who have enough hair for about 400 girls, it typically takes me about a good week to take down, wash, and comb ALL that hair. So I thought I'd give a little info on how I go about styling the girls hair.
The first thing I have to do is take down the braids, twists, bantu knots, or mini ponytails that may have been in their hair. Since we're all at home during the daytime because I home school, there isn't a huge rush for me to HAVE to get their hair done by a certain time of the day or specific day of the week. Thus, after their hair is all out and free, I can let it be loose for a few days so it's not all tied down and pinned up. There hair usually ends up looking something like this (2007 Amira)

Next, I like to put a pre-wash mixture on their hair. This helps loosen any knots that may be in their hair and definitely helps with detangling. The Daughters of Destiny have long hair that tangles and knots. So I want to help eliminate that BEFORE I wash it. The mixture usually consists of my tried and true OyinHandmade Honey Hemp Conditioner and a hair moisturizer. I typically will use whatever leftovers I have on hand after I've applied the conditioner. Now since this is a pre-wash conditioner, I may leave it in their hair for a few hours. The hair is pulled back into a loose ponytail and when I'm ready to wash it, I simply take it out. (I couldn't find my pics so you'll have to use your imagination *chuckle*)
For washing, most times I use conditioner. I only use shampoo to wash their hair about every 2 months. The reason is, washing with conditioner keeps their hair from feeling dry and brittle. It also works as a great detangler. Plus it leaves their hair feeling soft and it's easier to brush the tangles with co-washing or conditioning washing. I use a paddle brush to untangle their hair and ONLY use it when their hair is DRIPPING WET and FULL of conditioner. It helps to buy good conditioners that are not super expensive as you may tend to use alot during this process. I typically buy 3 to 4 different kinds for each of my daughters hair types. And I'll use about 5 palm fulls of conditioner with each co-wash.
After the co-wash is done. I pat their hair just to get rid of excess water. I NEVER rub their hair as I don't want to tangle it again. At this stage. I'll apply any leave-in conditioners I have (Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp works here as well). I also us Kinky-Curly Knot Today leave-in conditioner as I noticed it REALLY helps in further untangling the hair. Unfortuantely since my girls have SO much hair, one bottle doesn't last me long. I'll use about half the bottle in one setting when I wash all their hair. At this point I MAY put a plastic bag over their hair and then wash the next head of hair - just to let all those yummy ingredients marinate on their hair. It just all depends on my mood and that of The Daughters of Destiny *chucke*.
Once the leave in conditioner has set for a while. The last step is to add a spray on to keep the moisture in their hair. Because once their hair begins to try, it's extremely difficult to try and manipulate it into any style. The spray on I use is from Oyin Handmade, Juices n Berries, and it smells just like a yummy bowl of fruit. Of course if I'm out I make up my own using aloe vera juice, a bit of distilled water, some olive oil and whatever essential oils I have on hand. Also, I section off their hair to apply Kinky-Curly's Curling Custard which help's define the natural curl and helps with shrinkage. Once I'm done with that process I let their hair air dry. That typically takes a good 24 hours - if I leave their hair out and about 48 hours if I let it dry while in bantu knots. (Aaliyah 2007)

Of course letting the hair air dry gives us all a chance to rest. Hair days are not a favorite of the Richardson household. LOL. The last part of the process is to then actually style the hair. The products I use are the Oyin Handmade Juices n Berries spray in to wet each section of hair. I also use Blended Beauty Down and Out Styles as a moisturizer. If I have any handy I'll use Burnt Sugar Pomade from Oyin Handmade as well as Blended Beauty Happy Nappy Styles. And the finally result of all that co-washing, untangling, moisturizing, styling is (Ayana 2009)

(Aaliyah 2009)

and after all that, we look forward to starting the process all over again in 30 days. These hair styles typically last 4 to 6 weeks. I usually take their hair down after about 5 weeks because if I go to long it will be a tangled mess and take that much longer to wash and style.
Labels: hair, hair growth, the daughters of destiny