Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Going Natural

Since arriving to Da Lou I'd been in SERIOUS need of a new hair stylist. I'd had my weave in my hair since mid March 2008 and it was time for it to come out. Besides the fact it was really getting on my nerves and I was ready to see my own hair and my growth. However, as luck or un-luck would have it I couldn't find anyone who wanted to press and curl my hair. I was referred to a few folks and still didn't have any luck. So I did what I usually do in situations like these, I wait. Well my waiting paid off and I found a nice salon that specializes in natural hair care. Not only that but they use NO chemicals or any harmful products in your hair. Plus they try to use the least amount of heat possible to maintain your hair.

Now, since my hair can use all the help it can get in the heat department that may have been an issue. But it wasn't. the NATURAL UHURU salon in St. Louis, located on S. 39th St. did a wonderful job of flat or rather 2 strand twisting my hair. The beautiful thing is that I don't have to go to the shop every week or every 2 weeks, like I was in the past. I can go once a month and have my hair re-twisted. They also do braiding and weaves if I feel the need. Thus far I'm really loving my hair and I"m looking forward to being chemical free and naturally nappy. LOL


Sunday, June 15, 2008

RSS Feeds for Our Blogs

Not sure if anyone is really into this or knows how to set it up but RSS Feeds our available for our blogs.

Of Daughters and Mother
The Daughters of Destiny Blog
